Gas vs. Electric: Surprising Cost Savings You May Not Know
As electric cars and hybrids gain in popularity with car buyers, there are some aspects of each to consider when choosing your next car, including overall costs. Join SAFE's financial educators as they walk you through the expenses associated with owning electric vs. gas. What you learn may surprise you and have you leaving your gas-powered car in the rearview mirror. Topics covered in this session • Average cost of owning a gas vs. electric vehicle • Three cost comparisons that might surprise you • Other compelling factors for purchasing an electric vehicle
Gas vs. Electric: Surprising Cost Sa...Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDTLocation
Live Webinar: https://safecu.zoom.us/webinar/register/5516765797573/WN_mbnDJrcCR5WRy9NGBFjLiw#/registration
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